Explain how to insert a hyperlink in to an Excel worksheet
and save a Word document as a Web page.
Answer / saba
Hyperlink creates a shortcut or jump that opens a document
stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet.
When you click the cell that contains the HYPERLINK
function, Microsoft Excel opens the file stored at link
HYPERLINK (link_location, friendly_name)
Link_ location is the path and file name to the document
to be opened as text. Link_location can refer to a place in
a document — such as a specific cell or named range in an
Excel worksheet or workbook, or to a bookmark in a
Microsoft Word document. The path can be to a file stored
on a hard disk drive, or the path can be a universal naming
convention (UNC) path on a server (in Microsoft Excel for
Windows) or a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) path on the
Internet or an intranet.
• Link_location can be a text string enclosed in
quotation marks or a cell that contains the link as a text
• If the jump specified in link_location does not
exist or cannot be navigated, an error appears when you
click the cell.
Friendly_name is the jump text or numeric value that is
displayed in the cell. Friendly_name is displayed in blue
and is underlined. If friendly_name is omitted, the cell
displays the link_location as the jump text.
• Friendly_name can be a value, a text string, a
name, or a cell that contains the jump text or value.
• If friendly_name returns an error value (for
example, #VALUE!), the cell displays the error instead of
the jump text. .
The following example opens a worksheet named Budget
Report.xls that is stored on the Internet at the location
named example.microsoft.com/report and displays the
text "Click for report":
=HYPERLINK ("http://example.microsoft.com/report/budget
report.xls", "Click for report")
The following example creates a hyperlink to cell F10 on
the worksheet named Annual in the workbook Budget
Report.xls, which is stored on the Internet at the location
named example.microsoft.com/report. The cell on the
worksheet that contains the hyperlink displays the contents
of cell D1 as the jump text:
=HYPERLINK ("[http://example.microsoft.com/report/budget
report.xls]Annual!F10", D1)
(B)Save a Word document as a Web page:-
To save a word document as a web page following steps are
1. On the File menu, click Save as Web Page.
2. If you want to save the document in a different
folder, locate and open the folder.
3. In the File name box, type a name for the document.
4. Click Save
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