Please, anyone, let me know the style or an example of using
'by='/'by' variable of a PDV(Program Data Vector)
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Answer / rajesh
list of 'by' variables tell SAS how data is stored in
source dataset or how it is to be represented in
output/output dataset.
PDV is used to write the observations in output dataset and
it does not get impected from any BY variable as data in
SAS always read sequencely. If BY vaialbes are there then
it just ensures that source dataset is sorted on list of BY
variables. It does not impact other thing.
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Answer / cutepa1
Thanks Rajesh, Here I got the appropriate answer for the
above question. A PDV has got such two variables like
'first.<BY-variable> and last.<BY-variable> apart from other
temporary variables. Here a BY-variable is the variable that
is mentioned in BY statement. a first.<var> returns 1 when a
first obs of that variable's datavalue is iterated or
contributed and returns 0 for the remaining other obs whose
datavalue of that specified variable in the BY-statement.
Respectively it returns 1 for when last obs is contributed
with the usage of last.<BY-variable> and returns 0 for the
rest of the observations.
Here I got an example
data ex;
set emp; /* a source table retrived from Oracle emp */
by deptno; /* we can call 'deptno' as our BY-variable */
lead=first.deptno; /* new variable called lead that returns
the value either 1 or 0 basing on deptno*/
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Answer / gajari rao
pls some one try to answer this question my friend is
waiting for your answer.
All the best pavan mandadi
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