what do mean by object oriented programming

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / sneha

Object Oriented Programing is a programming based on the concept objects and using them appropriately.

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / narender negi

A object oriented programing language is non procedural
language.The problems are derieved into object oriented
program.Data is hidden and can not be accessed by external
function.object may communicate with each other through
functons.New data and functions can be easily added
whenever neccessory.It follof bottom- up design approch in

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / karunakaran

Object-oriented programming is an approach that provides a
way of modularizing programs by creating partitioned memory
area for both data and functions that can be used as
templates for creating copies of such modules on
demand.--From JAVA Reference book-E Balagurusamy

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / rahul jain

the object oriented programming is the object based programming language. in oops the programmer not only define the data type but also define the function in our program.

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / vipin agarwal

where every thing treat as a object...............

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / ravi ranjan

A type of programming in which programmer not only define the data type of data structure but, also the type of operation(function) that can be applied to the data structure.
In this way data structure become an object that includes both data and function.

In sort, A way of programming where variables and functions(procedures) are together in object.

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what do mean by object oriented programming..

Answer / dslgfsg

its teh programming with definition nof both the datatypes
and functions

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