i am trying to do modular test tree in winrunner but i am
getting error like "Error in the Expression list",can you
please tell e what kind of error is this?
how to overload main method in java?
hi all, I am in the process of learning qtp. i havve windows vista in my system whenever i try to run flight reservation application , i am getting the following error "Operation must use an updateable query Fractional truncation (null) . And am unable to open Mercury tours web application due to some other error Can anyone help me please
osgelvaitre arrange it which make 1 romantic word
according to class7 how can we give description on pendrive?
suppose backgrd job is completed in 5 min yesterday,but the same job is taking 15 min to execute what is the reason?
what are the test cases for ticket vending machine?
is it an open mind or a open mind tell the correct article
I worked with $message and $$message, Bt its not working?..
Jetking is C C
Flow of fluid takes place due to its?
convert this 13 letters in two words. ATFREVOHIULFL
Hi can any one help me below two steps in sap FICO, 1.Create document number ranges for company code. 2.Copy document number ranges to fiscal year. was trying to do it but i am not able to completing successfully,