Blade logic interview question.

1st round is a written tests with 15 multiple questions
from c and c++. All are simple basic question.

Like int main ()

Int i=65;
Return printf(“%c”, i);


2nd and 3rd round is technical interview.

The position for which I was interview was core UNIX and c.
Yes it is for system programming.

The company has product name blade server. For their server
they are creating their own command for their purpose.

Example cd command.

We can implement it in a c program by using the chdir()

So the question asks related to PID, fork, pipe, shared
memory, signal.
Write a program in c which will act as cp command.

Blade logic interview question. 1st round is a written tests with 15 multiple questions from ..

Answer / sb1234

Blade logic interview question.

1st round is a written tests with 15 multiple questions
from c and c++. All are simple basic question.

Like int main ()

Int i=65;
Return printf(“%c”, i);


2nd and 3rd round is technical interview.

The position for which I was interview was core UNIX and c.
Yes it is for system programming.

The company has product name blade server. For their server
they are creating their own command for their purpose.

Example cd command.

We can implement it in a c program by using the chdir()

So the question asks related to PID, fork, pipe, shared
memory, signal.
Write a program in c which will act as cp command.

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