The national flower of which neighbouring country ins the
blue poppy?
hi!! i m a non-it student. but i hav an option of gettin employed n software also.. which one core or software is better dese days?!
How is wood manufactured?
I want to restrict only Internet (HTTP - port 80)from particular machine in LAN using access-list command.
how can i get a Valid Certificate of Competency as Electrical Supervisor after completing diploma in electrical & electronics engineering in kakinada ...
Wat is the rate of TDS(vat) if payment is above 20000?
donkey & horse : mule :: lion & tiger :
what is the cutoff marks in bank po exam to get to be selected?
im a market dealer having 2.5 years of experience & i have done MIRPM. Did i have any chance to get a job in foreign & which certification did help me to get a good job with nice pay-scale there?
How do you determine and evaluate success?
lovers love it. friends need it. relationship start with it. and life ends with it.
which type of questions r asked in icici po interview?