Name some commands used for CICS file browsing.
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What are the some important fields in the eib block?
What is the name of the mapset definition macro?
How to establish dynamic cursor position on a map? How to get the cursor position when we receive a map?
What is the difference between a Symbolic map and Physical map ?
What is the attribute byte?
How to differenciate the given coding is pseudo conversational? (except EIBCALEN condition)
What is the difference between CICS Program Control Table (PCT) and CICS Processing Program Table (PPT) ?
If DATAONLY option is specified in the SEND MAP command what will happen?
What is the pcp in the cics?
What are the differences between Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) and Transient Data Queue (TDQ).?
What are the types of important programs that are used in the cics?
Define the term transaction routing?