How you create Picklists?
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Answer / ravi
siebel has a 2 picklists.
i)we need one bc(ex:account=s_org_ext)
ii)create the picklist
picklist properties:name(staticpick),project,bounded(true
or false),bussiness component(picklist generic),static
(true),type(type),typevalue(in u r bc field name:location r
iii)got to u r bc........SVF....set the picklist property
picklistproperty(staticpick)=which name u have given inthe
picklist name
iv)goto record:
field(loction or division),picklistfield(Value)
.......> create u r LIstof values
In list of values 4 properties mandatory
i) Type[LOV_type]
ii)LanguageIndependent code
BUTONETHING:when u r facing interviw don't tell like,i
created the bc,or applet,liks.always we r modifieing the
object definitions.u should tell like i modified the
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / alampallypavan
both answers r related to static i am telling
abt dynamic pick list.In this we can get data from anoother
BC when we click DPL.So one BC shows another BC as
pickapplet.Here i am creating DPL b/n Opportunity and
Account.When we click DPL in opportunity field we can get
pickapplet from Account BC.
1)cr8 Picklist =Dyn Pl,Project=Account,BC=Account(Parent)
2)goto BC = Opprtunity-select field in O.E
cr8 newone like name=Rajpavan,Join=S_ORG_EXT,colmn=NAME(y
bcoz in opty rajfield contains value frm name field like
baybuilder.So,we r replacing this baybuilder with account
status field.P.L=Dyn Pl
3)select pickmap in O.E
cr8 field=rajpavan,P.L field=Account Status
4)goto Applet in O.E
select Opportunity form Applet-child
5)cr8 control->
name=rajpavan,htmltype=field,p.applet=Account pick applet(r)
cr8 new one depends on u,runtime=true
6) appelt which u have selected
edit weblayout , then drag and drop control lik rajpavan
7)save and close
8)compile through tools
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / radhika
hi,steps to create static picklist:
1.Identify BC and the SVF: Go to BC ->SVF and Note down the
Column Name to which you want to add Pick List.
2.Create LOV-Type: Launch Siebel Call Center Application -
>Go to ->View ->Site Map ->Application Data ->List of
Values Explorer ->Click New ->Create LOV-Type and Save the
3.Create LOV’s: Expand LOV Type ->Select Values ->Add the
LOV’s you want to display in Pick List.
4.Create Pick List: Open Tools ->Go to Pick List in OE -
>Create New record and set the properties
Name, Project, Bounded True, BC, Static True, Type Field
Type (default), Type Value(LOV-Type name which you created
earlier in Siebel Call Center Application).
5.Add Pick List to BC: Go to ->BC ->SVF ->select the field
you want to add Pick List and pick the Pick List from Pick
List property
6.Add Field and Pick List Field to BC: Go to BC ->SVF ->SVF
Pick Map ->Create New record and Set Properties
Field, Pick List Field ->Value (default for all BC’s).
7.Goto that Applet->list->list column
Set the runtime->true.
8.Compile and Run the Application.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ravi
siebel has a 2 picklists.
i)we need one bc(ex:account=s_org_ext)
ii)create the picklist
picklist properties:name(staticpick),project,bounded(true
or false),bussiness component(picklist generic),static
(true),type(type),typevalue(in u r bc field name:location r
iii)got to u r bc........SVF....set the picklist property
picklistproperty(staticpick)=which name u have given inthe
picklist name
iv)goto record:
field(loction or division),picklistfield(Value)
.......> create u r LIstof values
In list of values 4 properties mandatory
i) Type[LOV_type]
ii)LanguageIndependent code
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / chandra
i am Chandra, i am working in siebel for past 5 years. i will give you training on Siebel CRM with good explanation.
please if you want to learn Siebel development(Configuration , scripting or workflows and EAI)
please contact me @ +91-9035705781 or mail me @
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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