What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a

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What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH?..

Answer / aji cherian

Performing a SECTION - will perform all paragraphs in the
performing a PARAGRAPH - will perform only
the specified paragraphs

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What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH?..

Answer / unknown

SECTION includes paragraph.
PARAGRAPH includes set of statements.

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What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH?..

Answer / shan

Adding to Answer #1, performing section will execute all the
paragraphs until next section comes or and EXIT statement is

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What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH?..

Answer / grahame davis

Perform paragraph executes statements in the paragraph
Section executes all paragraphs until next section or until
end of program and ignores any EXIT except for last line in
program or last line prior to new Section. This was found
when someone added a new Section but forgot the SECTION
which meant previous Section then dropped through into new
code which caused logic problems and an abend

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH?..

Answer / escapa

From answer 2: SECTION includes paragraph but also can include statement directly.

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