what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the

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what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the projects?..

Answer / jhuma

singleton class is such kind of class in which only one
object is created throughout the life time of the class.

class Singleton
public static Singletone si;
private Singletone()
si=new Singletone();
public static Singletone show()
return si;
public static void main(String ar[])
Singleton s1=Singletone.show();

Is This Answer Correct ?    44 Yes 22 No

what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the projects?..

Answer / niraj

singleton means single. singleton class is that class
which have only one object , or in which class has only one
object .

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 3 No

what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the projects?..

Answer / rameshkrishna

singleton means create the one and only object per class
that per jvm

---use to decrese globel variables
---to provide the encapsulation

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 5 No

what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the projects?..

Answer / suresh jv

Singleton class is a class, it allows jvm to create only one
most of the people think that servlet is a singleton class.
but it is not a singleton class. Actually for each servlet
one object will be created by container.
But suppose if u want to create another object for same
servlet, that servlet allows us to create another object but
the container (server) will not allow to create second object.

When a huge amount of requests coming to servlet, some of
the servers (espcially weblogic)allows to create second
object for same servlet to handle huge amount of requests,
then how can u say servlet is a singleton class.
"The class, itself doesn't allow to create second object "
is called singleton class.

this helps a lot u.....

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what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the projects?..

Answer / rani

An Java API using Singleton is


Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 14 No

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