You have modified 100 store procedures and want to
replicate these changes from development to prodution, and
production can have users using the Server/DB, how would
you replicate without causing issues?
hi,i want t0 knom d syntax for a super key with an example
When we are using this query to shrink the log file,what exactly it will execute internally? Do we lose any data when we run this script? which data it will truncate in the log file and where it is saved. Please let me know... USE DatabaseName GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(<TransactionLogName>, 1) BACKUP LOG <DatabaseName> WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(<TransactionLogName>, 1) GO
What is the default order of an order by clause?
Why I am getting this error when renaming a database in ms sql server?
What are user defined functions in ms sql server?
can any one answer this query,thank you in advance Table 1 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, T shirtsize(values can be 1,2,3) Table 2 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, Region Write SQL to Find the region which has the largest number of people with Tshirt size=3
What is PROJECTION Operation?
What are policy management terms?
How do I list the available tables in a database I'm querying?
What do you understand by replication in sql server? Mention the different types of replication in sql server.
i want to create procedure for create table in sql server 2005 for example create procedure create_table @table varchar(20) as create @table( id int, name char(20) ) but it will get error what is solution?
Define full outer join in sql server joins?