. Birds do not face the scarcity of water because
(a) Excreting with mere water
(b) Excreting without water
(c) Excreting with less water
(d) None of the above
The pressure of the earth?s atmosphere is due to: (a) the gravitational attraction of the earth for the atmosphere (b) the heating of the atmosphere by the sun (c) the fact that most living things constantly breathe air (d) Evaporation of water from the seas and oceans
?Chintala Venkata Ramana Temple? is in this place (1) Tadpatri (2) Lepakshi (3) Penugonda (4) Chandragiri
If you are in-charge of a heavy water plant, you are most probably connected with the generation of: (A) thermo-nuclear energy (B) nuclear fission energy (C) electrical energy (D) solar energy
Which of the following materials was mainly used in the manufacture of Haralppan seals? 1 Terra Cotta 2 Bronze 3 Copper 4 Iron
Noise pollution is measure in 1 Microns 2 Nautical miles 3 Amperes 4 Decibels
Most of the explosions in mines occur due to the mixing of (a) Hydrogen with oxygen (b) Oxygen with acetylene (c) Methane with air (d) Carbon dioxide with ethane
2 Answers Competitive Exams, FCI, fddi, SCC, VAO,
List of Finance secretaries of India
The Battle of Padmanabha in the history of Andhradesa took place in the year. (1) 1700 A.D. (2) 1761 A.D (3) 1794 A.D (4) 1789 A.D
. The first bird is believed to have appeared on the surface of the earth (a) 300 million years ago (b) 200 million years ago (c) 150 million years ago (d) 100 million years ago
Politics nd current affairs
Which of the following represents the budgeted amount of expenditure (approximately in crores of Rs.) of the Union Government for the year ending on March 31,1999? 1 1,05,000 2 82,000 3 79,000 4 2,68,000
The sexagesimal counting system was developed by the: (a) Chinese (b) Indus valley people (c) Mesopotamians (d) Egyptians