Noise pollution is measure in
1 Microns
2 Nautical miles
3 Amperes
4 Decibels
Which longitude is known as the Prime Meridian? (a) 00 longitude (b) 00E longitude (c) 00W longitude
Which one of these is a secretion from the body of an insect? (A) Pearl (B) Coral (C) Lac (D) None of these
. Who trained Chandragupta Maurya? (a) Buddha (b) Mahavira (c) Kautilya (d) Nanda kind
The Directive Principles of State Policy were given an overriding position over the Fundamental Rights under certain circumstances by the (a) Forty-second Amendment (b) Forty-first Amendment (c) Twenty-fourth Amendment (d) Twenty-fifth Amendment
When the moon is near the horizon, then it appears bigger because of 1 Atmospheric refraction 2 Scattering of light 3 Diffraction 4 Total internal reflection
The headquarters of the ILO are at: (a) The Hague (b) New York (c) Paris (d) Geneva
hcl full name
Next to UP which is the state sending maximum number of MP?s to Lok Sabha? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Bihar (d) Andhra Pradesh
Recession in the market implies 1 Slump in trade & industry due to fall in demand 2 Increase in trade and industry due to rise in demand 3 No change in trade and industry due to stability in demand 4 None of these
Who was the founder of the Mauryan Dynastry? (1) Chandragupta Maurya (2) Asoka (3) Bindusara (4) Skandagupta
The new name of the Abyssinia is???.. A. Eritrea B. Zaire C. Ethiopia D. Namibia
The capital of Kanishka was: (a) Taxila (b) Multa (c) Gandhara (d) Purushapura