If A>B then
else B>C then
in this , for 75% times A>B and 25% times B>C then,is
10000 instructions are there ,then the ratio of F to G
[a] 7500:2500 [b] 7500:625 [c] 7500:625 if a=b=c else
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Answer / shubh
so 7500:2500
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Difference between Primary storage and secondary storage?
I want to install sql server as a database server and Oracle 10 I as a programming language for this i choose windows 2003 server as a operating system..ok.and come to hardware part i have 8 SATA hdd's each one has 300 gb of capacity. my requirement is i want to insert thease 8 hdds into a system by using RAID LEVELS(Leave about configuration). in Raid Levels which level will give 100% data backup(safe).if u give preferance for one purticular raid level please let me know what are the benfits with that Please suggest me with best answers.
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