4 cards are placed on a table, each card has two colors. U
don't know the color of the back side of eachcard.4 persons
A B C and D are sitting on the table before the cards. They
can see Red, Green Red and blue .Out of the 4 poeple 2
always lie.
They see the color on the reverse side and give the
following comment
A: Yello/green
B: Neither Blue/nor Green
c: Blue/Yello
D: Blue/ Yello
find out the color on the other side of the 4 cards.

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4 cards are placed on a table, each card has two colors. U don't know the color of the back si..

Answer / himadri


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

4 cards are placed on a table, each card has two colors. U don't know the color of the back si..

Answer / muniganesh

4 cards and the color will be
here two mans are lier that is c & d then the statement of
b:neither blue/nor green
so the remaining color is

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

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