f(int t)
case 2: c=3;
case 3: c=4;
case 4: c=5;
case 5: c=6;
default: c=0;}
value of c?

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f1() { f(3);} f(int t) { switch(t); { case 2: c=3; case 3: c=4; case 4: c=5; case 5: c=6; ..

Answer / ningappa

The above code returns a compiler error:

1.In C functions cannot be made inline.
2.A semi-colon is not expected after switch.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

f1() { f(3);} f(int t) { switch(t); { case 2: c=3; case 3: c=4; case 4: c=5; case 5: c=6; ..

Answer / madhu

As t = 3,it goes to case 3.But there is no break in that
case so it proceeds further down to default and c becomes 0.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

f1() { f(3);} f(int t) { switch(t); { case 2: c=3; case 3: c=4; case 4: c=5; case 5: c=6; ..

Answer / poornima

Initially, switch statement is ended with semicolon.so
cases will not be alone without switch.It is compilation
If semicolon is not there in switch statement answer is

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

f1() { f(3);} f(int t) { switch(t); { case 2: c=3; case 3: c=4; case 4: c=5; case 5: c=6; ..

Answer / shruti

Yeah value of c becomes 0 at the end of the program..

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

f1() { f(3);} f(int t) { switch(t); { case 2: c=3; case 3: c=4; case 4: c=5; case 5: c=6; ..

Answer / vignesh1988i

c=6.... since no break statement

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

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