There are N egg baskets and the number of eggs in each
basket is a known quantity. Two players take turns to remove
these eggs from the baskets. On each turn, a player must
remove at least one egg, and may remove any number of eggs
provided they all belong to the same basket. The player
picking the last egg(s) wins the game. If you are allowed to
decide who
is going to start first, what mathematical function would
you use to decide so that you end up on the winning side?
what is the maximum limit of row and column of a matrix in c programming. in linux .
Program to find the value of e raised to power x using while loop
How can my program discover the complete pathname to the executable from which it was invoked?
What is hashing in c?
Where can I get an ansi-compatible lint?
write a program that uses point of sale system. which are mainly used by retail markets, where the is a database inventory list, a slip should be printed for the customer. manage should be able to access what has been sold and what is left from stock?
How Many Header Files in c?
main() { int x=2, y=4 if ((x==2||y==4) x++ y++ if (y==4+1) { x=x+y; } y++; printf("The values of x and y are %d and %d."x,y); } What is the output?
Can you please explain the difference between malloc() and calloc() function?
What is typedef example?
How can I write functions that take a variable number of arguments?
What is sizeof array in c?