Data is there in two excel sheets .. how ur going to retrive
the data in winrunner thru script.. write down the script?
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Answer / uday kumar. a
As per the question, Excel sheets means In an Excel file we
have multiple sheets(Sheet1, sheet2 etc...)
Here i can access the sheet1 data, but WR does not provide
any functions, so that we can access sheet2.
There is no direct option to access sheet2 in Excel file
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Answer / deepak ethirajan
First link the data tables to an appropriate table name.
Table1= "C:\\excel1.xls";
Table2= "C:\\excel2.xls";
use the ddt_open command to open the data tables.
Now, you can access the data from either Table1 or Table2
by the table name.
V1= ddt_val(Table1,<parameter1>)
V2= ddt_val(Table2,<parameter2>)
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