Functionality of JVM?

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Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / ranganathkini

The JVM is the core of the Java platform and is responsible for:

1. Loading bytecodes from the class files
2. Verifying the loaded byte codes
3. Linking the program with the necessary libraries
4. Memory Management by Garbage Collection
5. Managing calls between the program and the host environment.

Is This Answer Correct ?    70 Yes 8 No

Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / shakir khan

Java sovles the problem of platform independence by using
byte code.Java complier does not produce native executable
code.Instead it produces a special format called byte code.

Byte code is a highly optimized set of instructions
designed to executed by a java runtime system called Java
Virtual Machine(JVM).JVM is an interpreter for byte code.

This interpreter reads or understands the bytecode and
executes the corresponding native machine instructions.

Thus to port java programs to a new platform ,all that
needed is to port the interperter and some of the library
routines.Even the complier is written in java.The byte
codes are precisely defined and remain the same on all

The use of byte code enables the java runtime system to
execute programs much faster.

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 5 No

Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / siva

--checks for .class files..
--converts byte code into machine understandable code
--searches for methods to do particular actions with os.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / cherry

The jvm simply allocates memory for instances and it
provides location name and hashCode for the location.
And it checks is there any change in the program before
loading it into the class loader

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / mah

jvm stands for java virtual translate sourse code
to byte code

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 11 No

Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / jitesh singh

JVM works is only to provide memory and resource allocation
.the conversion of bytecode into machine code is done by
J.I.T(just in time compiler)
if a program is executed on the same machine then the full
resources used by JVM else if on other system then less
resources used by JVM.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 7 No

Functionality of JVM?..

Answer / ravikiran

JVM will convert the byte code to user understandable code.
Provides the services like class loading,garbage collection

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 25 No

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