How do you implement postback with a text box? What is
postback and usestate?
Hi, I am working in a small software company in platform. I need to know how and what are all the task in will be assigned for the developers in mnc companies. Thanks in advance.
What is runat?
how to update data set?
How do you handle session management in ASP.NET and How do you implement them. How do you handle in case of SQLServer mode?
What is the difference between session state and session variables ?
What is three major points in WCF?
What is Bundling and Minification in MVC?
please give a brief knowledge about these events ? page_render() page_prerender() page_unload page_loadcomplete page_preinit
What is clr? Difference between clr & cts?
What is server side routing?
Explain about consistent programming model in the .NET framework?
How can you debug an ASP page, without touching the code?
1 Answers Prodigy Technologies,