Which template must you provide, in order to display data in
a Repeater control?
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how can we maintain security in soted procedure?
What is asp.net architecture?
Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
How many types of cookies are there in asp.net?
what is usercontrol how we can use acess the controls that are present in the usercontrol in the aspx page suppose we have 2 text boxes in a user control how u can acess the 2 textboxs in the aspx page
What does asp stand for in asp.net?
What is virtual directory in asp.net?
Urgent requirement of .NET in CMMI Level3 COmpany Pune
What is the base class from which web forms are inherited?
List the asp.net validation controls?
What is variable and constant in .net programming language?
What is the concepts of globalization and localization in .net?