how do i know how to use tools
Tell about automation object model(Aom) in qtp?
If I want to run more than one test (With different functionality) with in one script, then what i do? plz. explain with any example.
What is the diff between image and bitmap check point?
Hi guys, Please suggest some thing these points are correct???, Is UFT 12 and QTP outdated ??? and also VBscript is also deleted/Removed from QTP ???? Javascript is added latest and tool name is called JFT ??? From this year ??
what is defenetion of kiran can u tell me plz CVS, SVN
How to Analyze the Checpoint results by Text/Text Area Checkpoint?
How to use Environment parameterization in QTP? Explain with an example.
What is the script for database check point, bitmapchek point, regular expression ?
Hi All. Can you please explaing what is checkpoint? How it Will Work? what is meaning of "check checkpoint ("proprtname").how it will compate with expected value? Thanks in Advance............... Lakshmi
what type of automation is follwed in the project?
How will you send values to a cell in a webtable using QTP?
I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: Regards, krishna.