A particular job executing on the iS is not behaving as
expected and is operating in an environment in which it can
be debugged. What commands would you use to debug and
observe the program?

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A particular job executing on the iS is not behaving as expected and is operating in an environmen..

Answer / sekhar

SBMJOB with HOLD(*YES) take the job number ,name and user
using WRKSBMJOB . then STRSRVJOB and STRDBG and F10 and come
out.the release the job WRKJOB 43 option or WRKSBMJOB with 6
option . then DSPMODSRC and start doing the debug. its like
normal debug.after completion of debugging you have to

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A particular job executing on the iS is not behaving as expected and is operating in an environmen..

Answer / student

Strsrvpgm, strdbg - and then debug the program

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