how do u move the code from development to production?

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how do u move the code from development to production?..

Answer / satya

I support the Answer given by KAMAL, In real time though
you have more number of objects, you can not drag and drop
the forlder across the repositories as far as I am
concernd. Every organisation will follow certain deployment
proceures. I am not saying that will not work, it will
certainly work but that may not be the procude to follow
when you deploy code from DEV / UAT to PROD

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how do u move the code from development to production?..

Answer / kamal


we can do this in two methods

A. if objects are limited, then select all of them and
go for Export in Development box and Import in the
Production box.

B. if objects are numerous then open the both
repositories (Dev & Prod) in your development / test server
and select the folder which contains all the objects and
drag and drop to target Box.

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how do u move the code from development to production?..

Answer / ghouse

whatever we develope the coding(mapping),throgh import and
export option in repoitory,the maping code can be placed in
the form of xml format on the desktop and it is attached to
mail and will be sent to the teamlead or reponsibile person

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