Name and describe three SAS functions that you have used, if
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Answer / chiranjeevi
SAS functions can be used to convert data and manipulate
character variable values.
different types of functions:1)TRIM
TRIM:Removing the trailing blanks from character expressions.
substr:extracts the substring from an argument
abs=returns the absolute of the argument
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Answer / ravi
The most common functions that would be used are-
Conversion functions - Input / Put / int / ceil / floor
Character functions - Scan / substr / index / Left / trim / compress / cat / catx / upcase,lowcase
Arithmetic functions - Sum / abs /
Attribute info functions – Attrn / length
Dataset – open / close / exist
Directory - dexist / dopen / dclose / dcreate / dinfo
File functions – fexist / fopen/ filename / fileref
SQL functions – coalesce / count / sum/ mean
Date functions – date / today / datdif / datepart / datetime / intck / mdy
Array functions – dim
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ashok kore
1.Compress is one of the sas function which is used to
remove spaces in string value and concatenate two values
with out spaces.
2.Input is another function of sas, it is one of conversion
function in sas. It converts numeric into char.
3.Put is another conversion function in sas. It converts
char to numeric.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 19 No |
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1 Answers Accenture, Sciformix,