wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?

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wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / ramesh l.v.

Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data
in a database. There are two goals of the normalization
process: eliminating redundant data and ensuring data
dependencies make sense

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 1 No

wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / nesa4180

The process of separating data into distinct, unique sets
is called normalization.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 3 No

wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / koti

It is the process of removing redundancy data by splitting
the the tables into smaller tables in order to improve the
performance of the data retrieval.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / granto

The process
of deciding what tables to create and what relationships
exist between them is known as

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wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / guest

Normalisation is when you reduce redundancy of data in
tables & increase performance

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 6 No

wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / md.abdul azeez

Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data
in a database. There are two goals of the normalization
process: eliminating redundant data and ensuring data
dependencies make sense
0 Ramesh L.v.

Re: wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?
# 2 Normalisation is when you reduce redundancy of data in
tables & increase performance
0 Guest

Re: wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?
# 3 The process of separating data into distinct, unique
is called normalization.
3 Nesa4180

Re: wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?
# 4 It is the process of removing redundancy data by
the the tables into smaller tables in order to improve the
performance of the data retrieval.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / anil rajwadi

the task for database design is to structure in way that
eliminated unnecessary duptication and provide rapId path
search to all necessary information.the process of refining
table,column,key and relationship to create efficent
database is call normalization

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wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / shiva

Normalisation is the bottom up approach to design the database.Normalisation is the process of organising data in a table to reduce reduncy and to improve performance.Normalisation is a set of rules and each rule is called one normalform.

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wht is normalization?can u explain me in detail?..

Answer / hari

Normalization is the process of designing the datamodel and
effocientely store the data in database.to reduce the
1Normal form: Elimanate the repeating groups for individual
-Create sepeare table for each set of related data
-identify the each set of related data with a primary key
2nd normal form : create separate table for set of values
that apply the multipule records.
--Releate these tables with a forgign key
3rd Normal Form : Eliminate fields that do not depend on
the key

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 5 No

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