Can any body tell me what is the method to connect the
remote desk top throw QTP 9.2 version?
I have a tool for automation testing (eg:qtp).I have two functionality(A & B) to test.A is tested once in a year. B is tested everyday. At present i have the money and resource availability to automate only one functionality.Which one will u suggest and why?
What will be the output of the statements below? On error Resume Next Sum 100/0 if Sum= 0 Then msgbox "Pass" else msgbox "Fail" End If
After running scripts how you report results ,there is any specific report form
How to pass parameters into an action.Please explain me with examples
How can we use XML in QTP?
1. Pls can anyone give me the descriptive programing script to find the number of edit boxes in a login window in flights reservation (windows application only not web). 2. Using descriptive programing, how do you handle changing URLs. Pls anyone, very urgent
what are the metrics in general we use in testing
why we use sendkey method in qtp?
h to all plz send me the answer if any one knows about this....i want the java add-ins for the QTP to do my project which is developed under the java platform.
please tellme ordernal identifiers in QTP?
I am sathish , i want to test the Application of ,Mobile Emulator ,by using QTP10.0. I am trying to do testing on that Application , but Child Objects are not identified by the QTP. Please can any one help me