what plant phylum bambusa textilis belongs to?
Why do some plants like Malva moschata seed themselves all over the garden, while others just sulk?
what is the process called where plants turn carbon dioxide co2 into oxygen o2?
Is Capsicum annuum a dicot or monocot why?
Name a farming system with minimal or no use of chemical fertilizers
Describe the difference between a legume, a lomentum, and a follicle.
Explain the difference between a carpel and a pistil?
what non-conifer trees can be used at 7000 foot elevation where spruce and pine grew before the pine beetle?
What causes the leaves on trees to change color in the fall?
Classify the beet into fruits, roots, stem.
What are living reservoirs?
What is a sepal?
what is the reproductive cycle of non flowering plants?