What is the difference between copybooks and subprocedures in as400?
How can we call CL program to RPG? How many number of parameter we can pass
How do I read records from Subfile? what is the purpose of READC explain with example?
What is the difference Return and InLr?
How to find d key field of a pf that doesn’t have source physical file?
I know chain keyword retreive records randomly but how chain keyword exactly works internally????
i would like to know under what circumstance the object will get locked on AS400.
How do u design a physical file, when you have 2 Unique fields like for eg in A student file student ID and student examination no both are unique
How can i keyed a flat file in RPGLE
If my rpg program has a date field, what extra care I have to take while compiling that rpg program? If the file is keyed and I have declared the file as well as key list properly in my program. Still am getting an error message like "chain/reade operation is not allowed" what may be the case?
how to retrieve RRN value in RPGLE program
how to retrieve particular field records from a physical file,say i have a physical file called 'employee' in it i have to retrieve the records of a field 'admin' present in pf 'employee' using rpg,but i should not use logical file or openquery file.
how do u track msg in cl pgm???