What is the difference between copybooks and subprocedures in as400?
program to find the number of objects used in a given program through a display.
How to print Superscript / Subscript from RPG400
what was the robotech rpg?
what do you mean by an input subfile, what are the keywords required?
1.The questions have given an array declaration and move operation then this statement is correct or not?
use of PUTOVR,OVRDTA,KEEP keywords?
Have a join logical file with more than one members with different record formats. So how can we read the different members from this file and also how we can read the different record format from the join logical?
please guys help me,I need to write a program that shows more than one way to display a subfile. Both views are of the same file but sorted differently and show different fields of the same file when the user presses a function key. send me code
Hi,Please give me complete code with this logic. The question is how to read the records from a file with load an array of size with error condition? (The logic is Z-Add 0 IDX *LOVAL SETLL FILE READ FILE 99 *IN9 DOWEQ *OFF IDX ANDLT 99 ADD 1 IDX MOVE FIELD ARR,IDX READ FILE 99 ENDDO)please give me complete code with explanation?
Interviewer asked me write down DDS for load all subfile .can anybody write dds
How to find d key field of a pf that doesn’t have source physical file?
please help me answer to this question what is the difference between the binding and srvpgm in ilerpg?