What is the Lichen used in the treatment of heart diseases?
who is zonal manager of zone?
what is voip?
Name the scientist who coined the term Ecosystem?
how are looling the river hight
The value of (222) in base X when converted to base 10 is P. The value of (222) in base Y when converted to base 10 is Q. If the value of (P - Q) in base 10 = 28, then what is the value of (Q - X) in base 10? a) 80 b) 108 c) 92 d) Cannot be determined
kindly tell me about the preparation of bank p.o?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
can anybody please send me past question papers of reserve bank of india grade-b officer stage-1 exam.
For any function f(x), the inverse function f-1(x)is defined. If f(x)=3e-x , then f-1(x)=? a)ln(3/x) b) ln(x/3) c) ln(x).5 d) (1/3)ln(x)
Tunica corpus theory was proposed by which scientist?
What is the octane number range of te petrol used in India ?
my brother has applied for clerk entrance exam & he don't the entrance exam date please tell from UP please tell me on priyap21@yahoo.com.
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Write a program that reads N phrases and determines if one phrase is a permutation of the other. For example: Phrase 1 is: “One World One Dream” Phrase 2 is: “World One One Dream”. Then the output should say that phrase 1 is permutation of phrase 2. Note that spaces/tabs are not counted as characters. Sample Input: 3 One World One Dream World One One Dream No World No Dream Sample Output: Phrase 1 is permutation of Phrase 2