What is file in c language?
What is key word in c language?
What does %d do?
hi , please send me NIC written test papers to sbabavalli@gmail.com
If i have an array 0 to 99 i.e,(Size 100) I place the values 1 to 100 randomly like a[0]=29,a[1]=56 upto array[99].. the values are only between 1 to 100. getting the array values by using scanf.. If i entered one wrong element value line a[56]=108. how can i find it.. and also how to find the missing value in 1 to 100.. and i want to replace the missing values.. any one of them know please post your answer..
Every time i run a c-code in editor, getting some runtime error and editor is disposing, even after reinstalling the software what may be the problem?
what is c
Explain about the constants which help in debugging?
what are the stoge class in C and tel the scope and life time of it?
What are static variables, and where are they stored?
Why clrscr is used in c?
send me the code of flow chart generator using C-programming language amd this code should calculate the time and space complexity of the given progran and able to generate flowchart according to the given program?