How do you check if your computer is 32 or 64 bit?
what is batch programming in DOS?
Explain paging, faulting, and deadlock?
0 Answers Tavant Technologies, Thomson Reuters, Verifone, Visa,
Will chkdsk fix bad sectors?
Differentiate between Multiprocessing, Mutliprogramming and Multithreading.
What are the different operating systems?
What are the differences between Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and General Purpose Operating Systems (GPOS)?
Explain an idle thread?
What is a binary semaphore?
What is the difference between process and program?
Can a system detect starvation?
for an application which exceeds 64k the memory model should be a)medium b)huge c)large d)none
Paging a memory management function, while multiprogramming a processor management function are the two independent?