Does a join table need a primary key?
What are the two parts of design view?
What are the types of join and explain each?
How can you create Cursor with parametres ?
Can we use threading in pl/sql?
I Have A Table Like This. Cityno Cityname Mails 1 Bangalore 8km 2 Hsr Layout 20km 3 Mejistic 30km 4 Jayadeva 55km 5 Itpl 80km 6 Hebbal 115km I Have Data Like This I Want O/p Like This Distance No.ofcity 0-50km 3 51-100km 2 101-150km 4 And So On
What is primary key and unique key?
how to calculate expressions with sql statements? : Sql dba
How would you pass hints to the sql processor?
Is hadoop a nosql?
Can we want to pass a parameter payroll_id to this external pl/sql function, how do we do it?
how to debugg a procedure or package using dbms_output.put_line in plsql
What is inner join in sql?