Is sql easier than java?
In a table only one column how to update rows
I have following column in the table. col1 1 a b c 2 3 d and I want to display it as num chars 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d numbers in one column and letters in another column.
How can you maintain the integrity of your database on instances where deleting an element in a table result in the deletion of the element(s) within another table?
What is primary key and unique key?
How to order siblings in oracle hierarchy queries?
What is application trigger?
What is the starting oracle error number? What is meant by forward declaration in functions?
What has stored procedures in sql and how we can use it?
what is global variable in package
i want insert 10 records from table a to table b. if i m using statement level trigger how many record insert ?in row level trigger how many record inserted???
3 Answers Scope International,
What is the usage of sql functions?
Is postgresql a nosql database?