Is oracle sql free?
what are the advantages of using stored procedures? : Sql dba
Can we call procedure in select statement?
declare l1 number := null; l2 number :=null; begin if l1=l2 then message('equal'); else if l1<>l2 then message('not equal'); else message('else'); end if; end if; end; What will be the output ?
Explain the difference between rename and alias?
What are the two different parts of the pl/sql packages?
Which language is used in sql?
How to start the command-line sql*plus?
Name three sql operations that perform a sort.
Name the operator which is used in the query for pattern matching?
How to call shell script from pl sql procedure?
what is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()? : Sql dba
how to find the First and Last Observation from the table: Ex: OBS Name Sal Ans like: OBS Name Sal 105 E 5000--> 105 E 5000 102 B 2000 104 D 4000 103 C 3000 101 A 1000--> 104 D 4000