How do I ftp?
Draw diagrams for the waveforms you would expect when the bit sequence 10111001 is transmitted on IEEE 802.3
what is the ethernet interface?where and when we can use? how to connect hte host systems to target system
How we can communicate (voice communication) in LAN by using core java?
nowadays which protocol we are using?either tcp or udp?which is more useful?
What LAN analyzer tools are you familiar with and describe how you use them to troubleshoot and on what media and network types.
What is difference b/w static ip address and dynamic ip address
What is protocol extension?
How do you shutdown an interface on a router or switch?
3 Answers Cisco, Intelligroup,
What are protocols? What are they used for?
What are protocols?
What is a default gateway?
A periodic composite signal with a bandwidth of 3000 Hz,is composed of two sine waves. First one has a frequency of 100 Hz with a maximum amplitude of 30 V, the second one has a maximum amplitude of 10 V. Draw the bandwidth.