What is an expression language?
how to disable the expression language in a jsp?
Mention some important jsp action tags.
What is the difference in using request.getrequestdispatcher() and context.getrequestdispatcher()?
Hi, I've applied for HPCL(Information System Officer)& UIIC (A).Plz send me previous/sample papers and any suggestions regarding this exam.Please advice me good study material or related links. Thanks in advance shyam shyamprasad71@gmail.com
What do you mean by context initialization parameters?
What are the components that make up a tag library in jsp?
What is tld in jsp?
how to u se in jsp
What is a hidden comment?
What are directives? What are the different types of directives available in jsp?
What is the need of jsp?
How is scripting disabled?