What does dml stand for?
If you want to send some data from access database to sql server database. What are different component of ssis will you use?
wat is mean by normalization?......programing defination i need...(i know basic defination)
While you are inserting values into a table with the insert into .. Values option, does the order of the columns in the insert statement have to be the same as the order of the columns in the table?
How can we remove orphan records from a table?
How do you maintain database integrity where deletions from one table will automatically cause deletions in another table?
How to execute multiple stored procedures at one time in sql server?
What is Lock table in SQL?
Do you know the cursor optimization tips?
What are the types of indexes?
explain different levels of normalization? : Sql server database administration
How to create a store procedure with encryption?
How to search for a string in all stored procedure in sql server?