Can we create view in stored procedure?
What is a bitmap index?
4 Answers Choice Solutions, Infosys,
What is sql server and ase?
Why is sql important?
What does over partition by mean in sql?
Whate is use of MOD function in pl/sql.
Is vs as in pl sql?
2. Select A.A from ( select 1 as from dual Union select 1 as from dual)A Full outer join ( select 1 B from dual Union select 2 B from dual)B On A.A=B.B
What are stored procedures in mysql?
how to rename an existing table in mysql? : Sql dba
What is the difference between between and in condition operators?
what is transaction? : Sql dba
Are ddl triggers fired for ddl statements within a pl/sql code executed using the dbms.sql package?