What is join query?
How to generate the Reports for the Database? I need an Example for it.Will we manually do this or else any script is there? Please let me know ASAP...
What is your recommendation for a query running very slow? : sql server database administration
what is the maximum size of a row? : Sql server database administration
How to perfor If the table running time is taking 2hours and table is having 10 rows in it?
What is the meaning of lock escalation and why/how to stop this? : sql server database administration
What is cube dimension? : sql server analysis services, ssas
How you trouble shoot when any job fails
Explain transaction server consistency?
what is the difference detween pairwise comparison subquary and non pairwise comparison subquary?
What is the difference between Normalization and De-normalization?
what is the main difference between after trigger and instead trigger.
Can you explain the types of Joins that we can have with Sql Server?