It is regarding VBScript, how to export our function
results to ExcelSheet through VBscripting.
Ex: I have written add function, that result should export
to Excel.
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Answer / anonymous
Check Mercury help with - datatable - keyword. You can
learn it easily on your own. Don't worry about it.
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Answer / archana
we have one method in DATATABLE ie.,EXPORT.
Use Datatable.Export "excel filename".
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Answer / mohammad.rafi(nttf)
using datatable you c an send sureeeeeee see the
1.Data table
2.write click choose export
3.give the path where you want to store
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how can u find the syntax errors or other script errors in your test during the execution of your QTP Test - (i.e., not after the execution/test run finished, but before finishing the test run)
Whenever we r keeping mouse pointer under the image we r getting image name. In qtp how can we do this that name is coming or not?
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I want to install qtp software in my system, My operating system is vista . Anybody please suggest me how to get QTP software with licence key
How you automate testscripts one by one or moduelwise or all at once
Can anyone tell me what is the equivalant method to be used in QTP for "web_obj_get_text" used in winrunner. My winrunner code is below. set_window("Confirm Add Subscriber"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Add subscriber:","#8","#1",orderID,"The order number is","\.",1); basically I need to retrieved the "orderID " from a string present in 8th row & 1st col of table "Add subscriber"
i want know iam working 2+ exp in QTP can i do performence testing (eg:loadrunner) yes r no?