What is a full text index?
How to select Distinct columns from the table, table having 20 columns and i want all coulmns
what is raid? : Sql server database administration
what number files will a information contain in SQL Server? How many forms of information files exist in SQL Server? How many of those files can exist for a single database?
Tell me extended events in sql server 2008?
How many types of Outer Joins?What are they?
What is the difference between functions and scalar functions?
Is there any performance difference between if exists (select null from table) and if exists (select 1 from table)?
Why do you need a sql server?
Insert syudents details in table.Current system date &time insert into joining time.How do insert?( in sysdate only return current system date how do add time?)
Can a database be shrunk to 0 bytes, if not, why?
Is it possible to delete duplicate rows in a table without using a temporary table ?
Explain multiserver query