What is slidemaster?
Why is mvc better than asp.net?
What are html helpers in asp.net?
What is the difference between exe and dll?
Explain program to call the js function when the change is being made in the dropdown list made in asp.net mvc? : asp.net mvc
In What Order Do The Events Of An Aspx Page Execute. As A Developer Is It Important To Undertsand These Events?
which is better arraylist or dictionary?
How many types of validation controls are provided by ASP.NET?
4. How do you plan to achieve these goals?
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What is .Net3.0 and .Net3.5? Describe something about that Features..
For a server control, you need to have same properties like color maxlength, size, and allowed character throughout the application. How do you handle this?
What is the viewstate in asp.net?
What is routing in MVC?