Is mariadb a nosql database?
Can we use SQL%ISOPEN in implicit cursors? Does this attribute works properly in Implicit Curosors?
How do I count duplicates in sql?
What is integrity in sql?
What is a primary key called that is made up of more than one field?
what are the t string functions available in tsql? : Transact sql
What is pl sql quora?
We have a CURSOR then we need BULK COLLECT?
i have some prob lem to tell me about my self in interview first round ...
What is offset and limit in sql?
how to select alphabets in a one column , for this the table name is PA_TASKS and column name is TASK_NUMBER, In TASK_NUMBER the data like this 1.1.3NN,1.1.4NN,1.5.1NN,1.3.2NE,1.5NN,1NN,1.2NE,1CE , For this i need to disply output as NN,NN,NN,NE,NN,NN,NE,CE, Its some urgent requirement ,thanks in advance
if we give update table_name set column_name= default. what will happen?
Explain the difference between drop and truncate commands in sql?