Why do we bind in db2?
Where do you specify them?
Explain transactions, commits and rollbacks in DB2.
Mention the length of physical storage of the given data types of db2 – date, timestamp, time
Say CUST Table contains records like: CUSTNO CUSTNAME CUSTLOC 100 ABC SSS 200 XYZ 300 PQR 400 MNO WWW 500 CVV ------------- ------------- Now write a query to retrieve all records with CUSTLOC no data.
What does db2 stand for?
How can you display the current date & current time ?
Where are plans stored?
Explain the EXPLAIN statement?
How do you stop a db2 database in linux?
how to fetch multiple records without using cursor
What is the significance of the CURSOR WITH HOLD clause in a cursor declaration?
what are the copybook changes generally we done?can anyone tell me......... Thanks in advance........