What are different types of functions in sql?
What are sql data types?
Why do we use set serveroutput on?
explain primary keys and auto increment fields in mysql : sql dba
i have a table eno dno sal 1 10 200 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75 5 20 100 i want to get sal which is less than the avg sal of thri dept. eno dno sal 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75
Write a sql query to find the names of employees that begin with ‘a’?
Does sql between include endpoints?
Is like operator in sql case sensitive?
Explain what is a database?
How can we connect an Android App to an Oracle database and use the PL/SQL procedural code?
Why do we use triggers?
What is query optimization in sql?
Does truncate remove indexes?