What does <> sql mean?
What is java sql driver?
What are % TYPE and % ROWTYPE ? What are the advantages of using these over datatypes?
Write an sql query to select all records from the table?
What are % type and % rowtype?
What are the query optimization techniques?
Who developed sql?
how to delete duplicate rows from a join tables(I have three tables on that join) how do you know which join is need to be used? The select statement I have is: SELECT gc_skill_type.skill_type, gc_area_tec.area, gc_technology.technology, gc_technology.id_technology, gc_area_tec.id_area_tec FROM gc_skill_type, gc_area_tec, gc_technology WHERE gc_area_tec.id_skill_type (+) = gc_skill_type.id_skill_type AND gc_technology.id_area_tec (+) = gc_area_tec.id_area_tec order by gc_skill_type.skill_type asc, gc_area_tec.area asc, gc_technology.technology asc
What is difference between my sql and sql?
I have one table and column is c1 pk, c2 not null,c3 not null and 200 row in it and i add c4 column and value, how can is possible
what are local and global variables and their differences? : Sql dba
What is difference between db2 and sql?
Explain ddl statements in pl/sql?