What is equi join in sql?
Which constraints we can use while creating database in sql?
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of stored procedure?
What is union and union all keyword in sql and what are their differences?
Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?
69 Answers Accenture, BirlaSoft, Letse, Logica CMG, Qwest, Rheal Software, Saagam, Semantic Space, Tailor Solution, TCS, TinyERP,
What can I use instead of union in sql?
how many ways we can we find the current date using mysql? : Sql dba
What does the argument [or replace] do?
What are the different types of tables in sql?
what is sql? : Sql dba
Why do we use triggers?
How many clustered indexes can you have?
Can we join two tables without common column?