How do sql triggers work?
How to create a menu in sqlplus or pl/sql?
What is composite data type in pl sql?
what is the command used to fetch first 5 characters of the string? : Sql dba
What is the usage of sql functions?
What is the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes?
Can we insert in sql function?
Is not null in sql?
Are sql connections encrypted?
type type_name is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer for the above type you have to create a identifier... like identifier_name type_name; for the above type you can use the below first , last , prior, next , this.. if you create a cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp; is there any methods like above to use prior, fist , last , next , trim ,etc...
Why functions are used in sql?
how to calculate the difference between two dates? : Sql dba
Can we use two order by clause in query?