Which are the third-party tools used in sql server and why would you use them?
what is the difference between Delete and Truncate command in SQL
What are triggers? How many triggers you can have on a table? How to invoke a trigger on demand?
What are page splits? : SQL Server Architecture
What is delete query?
How to compare the top two records using sql?
what is blocking? : Sql server database administration
What is etl - extraction, transformation, and loading?
can anyone explain me the concept of Serialization in Detail and Clear? plz its urgent i have interview on friday (15th feb)
How we create SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services ? Give me Sample
What is temporal table?
you are provided with the single table having say 4 col ie fname lname age city , now the all records with displying of only fname and lname is required but in this format say my name is abhay khanna it will come like this abhay-khanna rahul-roy gaurav-singh the above format is required
What is a virtual table in sql?